Four cities, three countries, one experience
QuattroPole and the Greater Region - map - QuattroPole
QuattroPole and the Greater Region - map - QuattroPole
QuattroPole and the Greater Region - map - QuattroPole
QuattroPole is a network of cities near the borders between Germany, Luxembourg and France, which has been promoting historical, economic and cultural diversity and active multilingualism since 2000: Cross-border holidays and day trips within the region provide the perfect opportunity for some “city hopping”. Whether you are looking for an indulgent weekend along the "gastronomic street", a stretch boasting a grand total of 11 Michelin stars, a bike ride around the border triangle or an extended cultural visit, you can experience a great deal with minimal time spent on travelling given that the cities of Luxembourg, Metz, Saarbrücken and Trier are no more than an hour away from one another.
QuattroPole - The movie
Discover the QuattroPole-cities in this artistic film by Wisemotion.