Birgit Dieker
30.11.2012 - 03.02.2013
Luft holen, 2005, Gummi, Hohlglaskugeln, Strahlring, Stahlseil, 140x55x40 cm, Sammlung Diehl, Berlin/Moskau - Jürgen Baumann
Luft holen, 2005, Gummi, Hohlglaskugeln, Strahlring, Stahlseil, 140x55x40 cm, Sammlung Diehl, Berlin/Moskau - Jürgen Baumann
Luft holen, 2005, Gummi, Hohlglaskugeln, Strahlring, Stahlseil, 140x55x40 cm, Sammlung Diehl, Berlin/Moskau - Jürgen Baumann
The figures and objects of Birgit Dieker (b. 1966 in Gescher/Westfalen) are not made of the traditional materials of sculpture. They are of fabric, worn-out clothing, in which human emotions, physical and emotional states are inscribed. They are fragmented figures or organs, which she assembles from materials, layers, and cuts; their relationship to the body plays a crucial role: foundation garments, discarded clothing, hair, and leather. The Berlin-based artist develops her sculptures by sewing them together and layering them before defamiliarizing and fragmenting them with cuts and openings. Not only does the artist leave out parts of the body, but she truly breaks up her body in order to get to the bottom of her “identity.” The handicaps and psychological abysses are revealed beneath the aesthetic, perfect surface, getting under the skin in the truest sense of that phrase.
A catalog is being published to accompany the exhibition: Birgit Dieker, DERMA (112 pages).