Erschöpfung by Hannah Mevis
20. OcTOBER 2023 TO 28. JANUARY 2024
In Hannah Mevis’ first institutional solo exhibition, visitors can look forward to a multimedia exploration on the topic of exhaustion. The aim of the artistic work is to learn to understand the body as a unit, for its mind, emotions, feelings and form are inseparably connected. To do this, the artist works with different media such as a walk-in installation, sculptures made of materials such as 3D printing, glass, body imprints made of concrete as well as video works.
“Our struggle then must begin with the reappropriation of our body, the revaluation and rediscovery of its capacity for resistance, and expansion and celebration of its powers, individual and collective. (...) Our bodies have reasons that we need to learn, rediscover, reinvent."
Silvia Federici: Jenseits unserer Haut - Körper als umkämpfter Ort im Kapitalismus, Teil Vier: Gepriesen sei der Tanz, Seite 127
As a place of critical confidence, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken has been working with various stakeholders since April 2021 towards a more desirable future. With Hannah Mevis we question how we perceive our bodies. The exhibition space becomes a space of possibility: the artist will also be offering workshops and other events
Instagram-Profil of the artist
With friendly support from