Well Beings by valentina karga
Based on prehistoric idols, Valentina Karga (*1986 Chalkidiki, Greece) creates figures and shapes, some of which you can touch and embrace. For the artist, these idols not only represent a cultural heritage, but are also a way of confronting her climate anxiety and reflecting on the relationship between humans and nature.
The Well Beings echo the design of commercial anti-stress products such as hug pillows or weighted blankets. However, they are created from natural and recycled materials. The interactive installation and the exhibition offer a space to process climate emotions together.
Valentina Karga combines design, architecture and research with art. The exhibition WELL BEINGS was already on display at Hamburg’s Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in 2023. The artist was inspired by the museum’s antiques collection. In Saarbrücken, she continues her narrative and creates a new mural. As a place of critical confidence, we address Valentina Karga’s question: How can we rethink our relationship with the habitat Earth?
Events around Valentina Karga's exhibition:
Free guided tours through the exhibition
Kindersonntag: two dates for workshops for children aged 8 and over
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