Child day care centres
Kita Malstatt (Foto: Jean M. Laffitau) - Jean M. Laffitau
Kita Malstatt (Foto: Jean M. Laffitau) - Jean M. Laffitau
Kita Malstatt (Foto: Jean M. Laffitau) - Jean M. Laffitau
The city of Saarbrücken has 20 public day care centres (KiTas) for children from eight weeks to six years of age. The area for very young children is called Krippe.
In addition, there are religious (Catholic, Evangelical) and private KiTas. All KiTas are open to children of any religious affiliation or without a religious affiliation.
At the KiTa, your child will learn German more quickly, find friends, and learn things necessary to be well prepared for starting school.
Since there are often waiting lists, you may not be able to register your child at the KiTa directly in your residential area.
You can see which KiTas have spaces available under:
Call the KiTa, make an appointment, and register your child. For parent meetings at public day care centres, language assistants (Sprachmittler) may be available – be sure to ask!
Day care at KiTa costs money. The amount parents must pay (Elternbeiträge) varies.
The amount parents must pay can be covered through the Youth Welfare Office (Jugendamt) for families without much money.
You can apply for financial assistance here:
Jugendamt Saarbrücken
Sachgebiet 51.33 - KindertagesbetreuungEuropaallee 11 1
66111 Saarbrücken
+49 681 506-5555
Office hours
Dienstag - Mittwoch, Freitag
08.30 - 12.00
13.30 - 17.30
Bring an official letter of enrolment (Bescheinigung) from the KiTa your child will be attending.
If you have any additional questions about KiTas, please contact:
Mehr Informationen / More information
Amt für Kinder und Bildung
Dudweilerstraße 4166111 Saarbrücken
+49 681 905-0
+49 681 905-4955
Office hours
Montag - Mittwoch
8.30 bis 12 Uhr
13.30 bis 15:30 Uhr
8 bis 18 Uhr
8.30 bis 12 Uhr
As a parent, you should also take advantage of a free medical examination/check-up at a children’s doctor (Kinderarzt).
Medical check-ups for children and young adults
Special assistance programmes are available for children younger than three years old.
Early medical assistance